steps to change alsa model....note...... won't help with webcam
I am not sure what persistence you have on your hard drive, so opt may be on your hard drive or not
1) Do all the commands with root powers please
2) edit your /mnt/somewhere/boot/grub/menu.lst kernel line so it reads
kernel /boot/bzImage blacklist=snd_hda_intel (plus any other stuff)
If paranoid reboot to check you have lost sound otherwise continue until (5) for full reboot
3) edit with root powers the file called bootlocal so it reads....plus other stuff you have there
- put other system startup commands here
/sbin/modprobe snd_hda_intel model=dell-s14
/usr/local/etc/init.d/alsasound start
/bin/sleep 5
4) If you have an etc/asound.state in your backup file for /opt/.filetool.lst
use root powers to delete that line
if you have used a personalized alsamixer settings file.....rename it and delete its entry from your filetool.lst file please
5) Now do a full reboot...not a logout ok
6) Now as a local user....run alsamixer and see if you have a new setting for digital mic or not
or other changes
7) If something new appears....it could be good so adjust your mic level, activate etc....unmute etc, raise volumes etc
then try out arecord and aplay
then save those settings as new file by running command
sudo alsactl -f /home/tc/asound.state store

Then (assuming you saved new file) we use root powers to
add that file to your backup so /opt/.filetool.lst has new entry
----depending on whether you have home in your persistence settings or not
we need to restore those sound settings for alsa .....with root powers we add a line to bootlocal (3) so it now reads
- put other system startup commands here
/sbin/modprobe snd_hda_intel model=dell-s14
/usr/local/etc/init.d/alsasound start
/bin/sleep 5
/usr/local/sbin/alsactl -f /home/tc/asound.state restore
(This only becomes effective on full reboot)
if that did not work then swap a new model number.......... model=auto
then we get ugly and try a codec thats not yours
(this allegedly gives you digital mic but belongs to codec for STAC92HD73*
then try