I sometimes listen to music videos on youtube while doing other things and lately the browser window keeps popping to the top without me doing anything to it.
I can't say for sure that this -never- happened before, but it has definitely at least gotten worse since i upgraded to Core 4.7.5. I still have 4.7.4 on my system and will check tomorrow if it does it there.
Current system:
Core 4.7.5 with Xlibs, Xprogs, Xorg-7.5, jwm, wbar, minefield7 and flash11.
There are other extensions loaded, the only one of which that wasn't there before is spacefm (with all of its deps).
All extensions except flash11 are freshly downloaded. minefield7 appears to be the same as on the old install. I still have the complete 4.7.4 install, including extensions and backup, on hand and will compare the rest of the extensions tomorrow.
Any ideas that might help me short circuit my research?