I also like to add my 2cents to the updated install page: I think it is good to have the Core documentation (i.e. not the wiki or the forum based stuff) reflecting this change in a timely manner as this is likely to be the first place a newcomer to the Core world will get it's initial knowledge from.
I remember vagely my start with TC more than two years ago. I had read a note either on distrowatch.com or lwn.net and even though I tried to read the intro or concepts page of that time at least five times, but I could not make much sense of it. Much has changed (and been improved) since, but the risk that those of us "regulars" won't recognize the hurdles a "freshman" might face still exist. IIRC I walked initially away and "played" with some other small distribution (i.e. Slitaz) and only a few weeks or month later came back, gave it another crack and finally got "hooked" on the different approach taken here.
Now, pretending for a moment to be the proverbial "noob" I would possibly struggle with the otherwise not defined term of a "Frugal" install. I like to think to know what it means, but for the very first time reader using certain wording (in particular at radio buttons in the GUI) and not offering an explanation might be a hurdle. In particular as the bar has now possibly been lowered to a less technical user community by having a GUI installation method.
I then tried to find some definition and failed so searching the
Core Concepts, and
FAQ pages. But not to worry, here comes Robert to the rescue in this very timely
reply (which IMHO pretty much "nailed it").
So, I wonder whether any "non-standard" terminology used in the install page needs to be explained, either right there or via a link to a reference or explanation somewhere else. Furthermore I'd like to add 'USB-HDD' and 'USB-ZIP' as candidates requiring some definition or explanation. And if Robert's definitions from the above mentioned reply are used to educated the great unwashed a word or two about 'kernel' and 'initrd' might not go amiss.