One of the design philosophies of the memory manager
is that "unused memory is wasted memory".
It is INDEED a "design philosophy of memory management".
My first computer, AIM-65 had 4 KB of RAM, and I had to design/build a 32 KB RAM board for development, in assembler, of motor controls.
My Altair 8000, S-50 buss, had 8" floppies, and a 16 KB Ram Board.
My Apple II had 16 KB RAM, extended by a 48 KB board.
My Apple II, running a Z80 card, and CP/M, wanted a 64 KB RamCard, so I built one.
My IBM-PC wanted extended memory, then expanded memory.
They all needed a Swap File, Paged-in binary modules, Layered-modules, etc.
We all have Swap files and Swap partitions to handle over-flow, out-flow, retrievable-flow, etc.
It is INDEED a "design philosophy of memory management" and a real necessity.
Thanks for the reminder,
