Just started using TC and wow, is it peppy even on a decrepit PII w/ 128MB. I have a few questions that, I think, are simple enough but so far haven't found answers (I'm still wading through the FAQs, Wikis and forums but there's a lot to wade through).
My setup is: TC 3.5, everything loaded on a single hdd (ext3) partition w/ a swap partition (there's also a FAT partiton for DOS but I don't think that matters); no CD or usb drive or anything else. I more or less followed the directions for "frugal install", except I partitioned the drive with partedmagic liveCD and I installed grub2 instead of old grub.
How do I get my sshd_config file to survive rebooting? Better still, how do I get sshd to start at boot time? (I think I saw something on this, but I forgot where).
If I want to use tcp_wrappers with sshd do I need to also install inetd or does sshd know how to work with wrappers out of the box? (tcp_wrappers didn't seem to work when I tried it).
My ip address setting does not survive reboots (but, oddly enough, my dns setting does). What gives and how do I get TC to boot up with all my network settings intact?
By following the "Frugal Install" directions do I now have "Copy Mode" or "Mount Mode", as defined in the Core Concepts page? I want as much free ram as possible so I guess I want "Mount Mode"? How can I tell one from the other, either by boot behavior or from within the running TC environment?
Is this correct: when it comes time to upgrade TC (to 3.6, say) all I have to do is copy over the "bzImage" and "tinycore.gz" files?