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Author Topic: fluff v0.90 bugs  (Read 17105 times)

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: fluff v0.90 bugs
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2011, 11:09:30 PM »
Jur: I did some experiments.  The limit is 2.0 GB.  At that size and bigger, the lstat() and stat() API functions cannot return a valid file size:
lstat: Value too large for defined data type

So I found 64-bit versions lstat64() and stat64() that work with an expanded file information data structure.  So Fluff version 0.9.5 of Fluff now properly shows file size and the other attributes when the files are a greater than 2.0 GB in size.  ;D

New source code is posted at retrospectiva (see earlier in thread for link) and will be sent to the CoreTeam.

Offline OldAdamUser2

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Re: fluff v0.90 bugs
« Reply #31 on: April 27, 2011, 11:23:10 AM »
Mike, I'm interested in testing Fluff 0.90 (and above) without changing my OS from TC3.5. Hence, I went to your Coding Outpost page and downloaded fluff.tcz. I put it in my TCE directory and set it up as "on demand". Unfortunately, I still end up with Fluff 0.80 when I try to invoke it. I will see if moving it to "on boot" makes any difference, but I thought I would ask you how you invoke fluff.tcz in case I am doing something wrong.

Is there a way of changing the width of the directory panel (left panel) in Fluff 0.80? I notice that you have a much wider left panel in the screen shots on your page.

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: fluff v0.90 bugs
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2011, 10:52:22 PM »
OldAdamUser2:  I think you should be able to do an OnBoot installation and see a second file manager icon in wbar.  The newer one will be labeld "Fluff" instead of "FileMgr".   If you don't want both there, you can use the "Wbar Conf" tool from the control panel to hide one of them.  It seems like OnDemand should work too, I'm not sure why it did not work for you.

To resize the amount of space allocated to the directory tree versus the file list, click and hold down the left mouse key over the margin space (maybe called a "gutter") between them, then drag it to the desired place.  Release the left-mouse key and Fluff will remember this setting (assuming the $HOME/.fluff.conf file is backed up).  You know you clicked the correct margin if the mouse pointer changes to a left-right arrow (<->) symbol while you drag the mouse.

Offline OldAdamUser2

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Re: fluff v0.90 bugs
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2011, 08:52:19 PM »
Thanks, Mike. My left mouse button is starting to wear out, but I finally got it to work!


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Re: fluff v0.90 bugs
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2011, 02:19:40 AM »

not sure if its a bug or not but just trying out 3.6

I seem to recall having a /home/tc/.fluff.conf for 3.5.1

but  3.6 live cd with fluff v 0.95

Code: [Select]
sudo find / -name fluff*
sudo find / -name .fluff.conf
---> no results

I do not want to be the first to reply to Roberts news as it is only a minor issue for me but maybe someone can confirm if they use fluff?

2) In particular I then right hand click a file in fluff and choose open with

and create a new "mime" type action

Next I double click my test file to check it opens with the new executable

then I look for my fluff.conf using above commands and still no joy

Offline MikeLockmoore

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Re: fluff v0.90 bugs
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2011, 09:31:23 PM »
@aus9: Hello. Thanks for posting.  That seems strange... the find command at the command line cannot find the fluff executable, but you can run it from the icon in wbar?  Maybe the capitalization?  I write 'Fluff' if I'm just talking about it (like the title of a book or song), but the executable is named with lower case: 'fluff'.  What happens if you try the command 'which fluff' ?  I have a broken CD drive, so I can't boot it the same way as you.  :-[  Can anyone else try this out and post your results?

@all: Maybe time to open a new Fluff version 0.9.5+ thread?