Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x
GTK2 update
Jason W:
The GTK2 stack is going to be updated to newer versions tonight. I will try to make it as seamless as possible. But if you have the current version of gtk+-2.tcel in your /tce directory , you will need to replace it with the new libraries. Here are the extensions that are replacing gtk+-2:
pixman.tcel # pixman-0.14.0 will become pixman with this change.
If you are running in PPR mode with tcz/tce, simply remove the gtk+-2.tcel extension and replace it with the 5 mentioned above and all is good. If you are using PPI, you will need to remove the installed gtk+-2.tcel. Using the tce-uninstall utility would do that with this command:
tce-uninstall gtk+-2
You do not have to replace any apps that use gtk2 as they are compatible with the newer version. I hope that this will go smoothly and not interrupt anyone's use of TC. I will update the info files of existing extensions, and new extensions can be build against the new gtk2 stuff and the 5 extensions mentioned above will be the dependencies taking place of gtk+-2.tcel. Let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
Jason W:
Update went smoothly and is complete for tce and tcz. Dep files were adjusted, let me know if I missed any. I left the gtk+-2.tcel.list file on the server so the tce-uninstaller will work for it.
Note: If you have a PPI installation, you really may not have to update your gtk2 for a while unitl you start using apps that were built against the new gtk2 libs, which for now are nicotine and the pygtk2 stack.
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