I have built a script to perform backup and restore via rsync to a remote server;
the use of rsync allow a greater perfomance between the two updates
I hope you can improve this and use in standard boot codes...
if you need I have a compiled version, without the need of perl binary
---- follow the source ---
http://www.gallacci.com - info@gallacci.com
# simple program to backup tc mydata to remote server
# using differential rsync alghoritm
my ($opt,$srv,$user,$pass) = @ARGV;
&help if ($opt eq '-h');
my $hostname=`hostname`; chomp $hostname;
if ($opt eq '-b'){
$ENV{'USER'}= $user;
my $cmd="
rsync --recursive --delete-after -az \\
--files-from=/opt/.filetool.lst \\
--exclude-from=/opt/.xfiletool.lst \\
/ ${srv}::hostBackup/${hostname}/";
my $r=system($cmd);
if ($opt eq '-r'){
$ENV{'USER'}= $user;
my $cmd="rsync -az ${srv}::hostBackup/${hostname}/ /";
my $r=system($cmd);
sub result {
my $r=shift;
if ($r>0) { print "KO: Error during operation";}
else { print "OK: Operation done"; }
print "\n";
sub help {
print <<"EOF";
rbackup opt server (user) (pass)
Where opt is :
-b to backup to a remote server
-r to restore from a remote server