Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

Resize ramzswap

<< < (2/2)

Yes, the swap is type 82 and I ran mkswap on ..... I thought I would see the swap as a mounted drive ...

free shows:
Mem 254992
Swap 1278986

cat /proc/swaps shows:
ramzswap 63736
/dev/hda2 1215260

So, it appears that both ramzswap and hda2 are available to the system and ready to use.  Not sure if I have to run mkswap on every time I boot ... will find out when I finish this.

Apologies for the newbiness.  Its been awhile since I've had to do all this and am abit rusty.  I couldnt even get the output of the terminal in here, but those figures are correct.  Its been fun to get back into tayloring my own system, but the commands and syntax are stressing the brain cells.

If you see anything above out of whack, let me know. I believe it looks good and what I want.

Thanks guys!  Mucho appreciated


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