This is a continuation of (or maybe just "related to")
Get APPS with no internet on TC laptop? Load apps on boot from auto-mounted USB?
Suggestions on releasing new versions
The subjects of -Getting a new system up and running with TinyCore- and -Making dead simple TC installation- relate to a project I've been fooling with lately.
The background is that my sister, who lives several hundred miles away, recently had an old WinXP laptop die and bought a netbook to replace it.
* The netbook came with Win7 starter and all the other standard trialware/crippleware.
* She has no access to wired internet at all and has access to free/public wifi at work -
so our telephone "support sessions" are pretty much limited to lunch our.
* No optical drive on the netbook.
* My sister isn't completely helpless with a PC, but she's no geek either.
* We lucked out in that she had a usb stick already installed with TC 2.x base -
probably from some long ago troubleshooting that i did on her old laptop.
* I'm a complete noob with anything wireless.
So... we can get the netbook to boot TC but it will almost certainly need
* a little something for the wireless - no, I don't know yet what chipset it has
* a little something for the graphics - maybe Xorg7.5 and/or graphics- etc
* maybe a different wm (I'm thinking jwm is more familiar looking for a Windows refugee)
* a bunch of apps
The big thing will be downloading the wifi bits while running Windows - once wifi is working, everything else can be done the easy way.
Then I remembered a recent mention of tcvd... "Liiiggghht Bulb"
Why not set up a pre-configured tcvd with the wifi extensions - and any configuraton save in a backup - so she could download a single file, enter a single boot code (tcvd=whatever) and have it just work.
Not a remaster as such, but a purpose built collection of extensions/configurations.
This could be applied to some of the issues that grandma brought up in the threads linked at the top of this post without compromising in any way the "tool kit" paradigm of TinyCore.
Any advice on the blind set up of wireless?