General TC > Programming & Scripting - Unofficial
building realtime kernel & remastering for tiny core linux
interestingly, if i build a 64-bit 3.0.21 kernel with tinycore patches and config-3.0.21-tinycore64, but set the version string to 3.0.21-w64, it does boot. if i compile with the same .config and patches but with version string 3.0.21-tinycore64, then i cannot boot, just as with official tinycore vmlinuz64. ("fixing recursive fault" error)
Hi webb
Another forum member solved his "fixing recursive fault" error using the maxcpus=0 boot code.
yes but i like all of my four cores!
here's a hypothesis about this whole recursive fault business:
--- Code: ---3.0.21-tinycore64
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <-- 17 character version string, doesn't boot
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <-- 16 character version string, boots
^^^^^^^^^^ <-- 10 character version string, compiled with config-3.0.21-tinycore64 but with version string changed. boots.
--- End code ---
perhaps the kernel expects a maximum of 16 bytes in the version string.
--- Quote from: webb on November 27, 2012, 08:19:03 PM ---yes but i like all of my four cores!
here's a hypothesis about this whole recursive fault business:
--- Code: ---3.0.21-tinycore64
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <-- 17 character version string, doesn't boot
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <-- 16 character version string, boots
^^^^^^^^^^ <-- 10 character version string, compiled with config-3.0.21-tinycore64 but with version string changed. boots.
--- End code ---
perhaps the kernel expects a maximum of 16 bytes in the version string.
--- End quote ---
Seems coincidental. The version string doesn't change just by adding maxcpus=0, but doing so lets my system boot.
Idle thought I haven't had a chance to test and/or research yet - Setting maxcpus=0 actually does two things - uses only 1 cpu, AND disables IO APIC. Maybe there's another option that can disable APIC whilst still keeping all of your CPUs, and maybe that will be enough to get around the recursive fault erro
Hi webb
--- Quote ---yes but i like all of my four cores!
--- End quote ---
That may be, but one core that boots runs better than four that don't.
--- Quote ---perhaps the kernel expects a maximum of 16 bytes in the version string.
--- End quote ---
Perhaps. Or maybe the longer string just pushes some data in the kernel into a position that causes a
seg fault.
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