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TinyCore Linux Rules !


Hi guys,

I've just found tinycore linux while trying to find an os that would run as a print server on an old P2 333mhz pc with 128mb of ram and only a 3gb drive.

I was very surprised to see that a tiny 10mb boot disc got me into a gui with enough basic tools to build a custom system !!!

Tinycore linux is a bit similar to something else i've been looking at called devil-linux.

10MB, amazing :)

Hi remus
I was looking at Devil-Linux a couple of years ago to use as a file server on a Pentium MMX 233Mhz
with 256Mb RAM and 320 Gb drive. If I remember correctly I gave up on it because they had some
security features compiled into the kernel that kept getting in my way. Lucky for me I found Tinycore
and the machine has run perfectly for the last two years.

I have a crack at devil linux every few weeks to see if I can wrap my head around it, I think the main problem is my lack of linux leetness. Devil linux is a great distro, and seems to work on similar concepts as tinycore.

Once i have documented all the things I have to do to get a print server working in tinycore, i'm going to start on micro core, which should be a bit faster


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