I'm starting to desesperate

I do test with new tce backup directory!
iegd-emgd + xorg7.5 + graphics ...
emgd_drv* copied in /usr/local/lib/X11/modules/drivers/
emgd_dri.so copied in /usr/local/lib/X11/modules/dri/
lib* copied if /usr/local/lib/
multvt and ServerFlags updated.
==> i have always locked black screen (no multivt or Ctrl+Alt+Backspace possible action).
In that configuration, i replace in xorg.conf "vesa" by "emgd" in section Device -> Driver
with /usr/local/lib/X11/modules/drivers/emgd_drv.so, i've got "cannot open shared object libpvr2d.so" error.
is it helping ?
I will now try gutmensch sshd server command ...