General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
Acer Aspire One with AMD C50 - no internet connection or audio available
As OSS_alsa is a metaextension, you could alternatively just download all its deps as seen here:
Thanks for the link but it didn't work for me after I installed it. However, after playing around with some other extensions I was able to get sound. The extensions I used;
1) alsaconf.tcz
2) alsa-oss.tcz
Although it's great to have sound now, two more issues have come up;
1) When I use headphones the sound still comes out of my internal speaker
2) I have to run the alsaconf.tcz extension to reconfigure my sound card every time I reboot. A bit of a nuisance. I saved the /etc/modprobe.conf to my backup/restore but this did not help
Hi rizzim3
Open AppBrowser and select alsa.tcz, then read what's in the info tab, it tells you how to
make you settings persistent.
Not having any luck as per the instructions in the alsa extension page. I ran alsaconf, saved all the necessary files for recovery/backup, created a script to run alsasound and upon next reboot, no sound. However, when I run alsaconf, go through the entire process then load alsa then it works. I will just stick with this process until I figure out a better way.
--- Quote from: rizzim3 on March 09, 2011, 07:00:09 PM ---1) When I use headphones the sound still comes out of my internal speaker
--- End quote ---
Is that with OSS or alsa running?
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