Wondering what role grub would play here. Or is that just an example for any bootloader?
I expect syslinux would work, too. I just used grub in my test.
i don't know how can u run tinycore in only 24mb
Yes, Tiny Core requires 48 MB of memory to run it in the usual fashion. Installing it into a 32MB machine is difficult, but possible if you have the technical expertise. Here is a rough sequence of steps:
1) Boot from Micro Core disc.
2) Execute "tce-load -w -i syslinux.tcz"
3) Partition the HDD and make the partition bootable.
4) Format the partition with ext2 and mount it.
5) Run extlinux to install bootloader.
6) Edit syslinux.cfg to add "root=/mnt/hda1" (assuming hda1 is partition)
7) Insert Tiny Core disc and mount CD.
Extract tinycore.gz from CD into /mnt/hda1
9) Copy bzImage to HDD.
10) Unmount CD and reboot.
Thank u for replying,I have succeed to boot the Micro core ,and it can run under text mode.
Here is my steps:
1)I boot from my DSL cd-rom,and enter the DSL desktop
2)Use cfdisk format the HDD, I get the /dev/hda
3)Copy the microcore.gz and bzImage that from microcore.iso into /dev/hda/boot/
4)I download the bootfloppy.dd,and write into /floppy.
5)reboot pc and boot from floppy,put the right drivers
6)the it can work.

ps,I try to boot from bzImage and microcore.gz that from tinycore.iso ,and it prints something like memory out or memory is less
Now I have 2 problems to sovle:
1)I want to boot from hdd not the floppy,that means I have install microcore into hdd,
but I dont know how to do that
2)the desktop? I know that maybe print memory out ,but I want to try that ,or install something simple desktop ,or design a new simple desktop ,also I dont know how to do that.
In a word ,I suppose that someone can send some useful information to me ,thank u guys.