General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks
TC 3.5 on ASUS Eee PC 1001PX-EU27-WT 10.1-Inch Netbook???
I'm thinking about buying a new netbook for my wife to use. Before I pull the trigger on a purchase, I thought I should wonder if a new machine will be TOO new. I.e., will the necessary wifi driver already be in the linux kernel or available and easy to patch in somehow. I'm hooked on TC and would like any new computer I buy to be able to run it from the beginning.
The netbook I'm considering is ASUS Eee PC 1001PX-EU27-WT. From what I could learn through some web browsing, Ubuntu 10.10 works out of the box on it. I wasn't quite sure, however, that the wifi would be natively supported by the kernel in TC 3.5. Some feedback suggested that it might be; other feedback was unclear. I believe the wifi modem uses the Azurewave NE785H/GE112H WLAN Driver.
Does anyone have any hints about what source I might check for more info?
Hi OldAdamUser2
If you are buying locally bring a copy of TC (CD, bootable USB) with you and try it.
Not natively according to
Ndiswrapper might work though.
Not buying locally, unfortunately. curaga, I had gone to the site you mention before posting my first message and that gave me some encouragement to think TC 3.5 might work natively. One of the notes further down the page says--
--- Quote ---Chris, Tuesday 24 of August, 2010 [22:59:13]
wireless works out of the box with 2.6.32-21 kernel. however, the volume control Fn keys does not work for me. I'm using xubuntu 10.04
--- End quote ---
Doesn't TC 3.5 have the 2.6.33 kernel? That is what mine seems to be running. SO if I can take that fellow's word . . .
The top says it was added in .34, so it's possible it's either wrong, or Ubuntu's kernel has that driver backported to .32.
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