Gee, I wonder what took me that long to stumble over the fact that there are still openssl-0.9.8k.tcz and openssl-0.9.8k-dev.tcz left over in the '.../3.x/tcz' repository. As I could not spot any '.dep' entry that requires either of those extensions I wonder whether they could be now (finally) removed.
Furthermore according to the '.info' files is "Version: 0.9.8n", but openssl-0.9.8.tcz (and openssl-0.9.8-dev.tcz) are "Version: 0.9.8p". Well, an explanation might be that 'openssl-0.9.8.tcz' apparently contains all the documentation (which roughly doubles it's size) so one can almost conclude that the split-up into "base", "dev" and "doc" did not quite happen the last time around.
Considering now that "Version: 0.9.8r" was released more than four month ago I wonder whether a rebuild (including a three-way split) might be possible.