Tiny Core Extensions > TCE 1.x
Jason W:
Hey, I polished your updated script, and it should work including icons and all. Attached are the files, place them all in the same directory and the extensions should build with one command each. If you would like, you can take over maintainence.
Jason W:
I will also work the plugins package into the scm version soon.
Ehy jason, I've worked on it and I accept the job.
I modified the script to complete the thing.
I use my script tcz-externalizer to split packages, must be in the same directory of the tcbuild.
you look at the script of the plugin, I can report three annoying problems I had to solve:
1) geany-dev must be specified in BUILDEPS
2) su "$THISUSER" -c "tce-load -iw "$I"" || exit 1
in my version of core (4.5.4) -w option causes problems if one has already downloaded the package:
A) is badly installed with its dependencies
B) the list of programs to load at startup is modified
also I'd like tce-load was documented better through the help
3) The loop to create the dependency file does not work
> "$NAME".tcz.dep
for I in `cat "$DEPS"`; do
echo "$I" >> "$NAME".tcz.dep
I am sending packets to tcesubmit
Jason W:
My network was very sketchy at the time of editing the script, so I could not test the tce-load part well. And I saw the loop did not work, but the deps are at least documented in the script and time was tight that day.
no problem, I wanted to report them to you for the future scm
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