Hi guys,
I want to remaster the current Tiny Core Linux with the Lxde window manager!
So now I want to include the Lxde wm into TCL and remove the default wm. So after finishing the boot process TCL shoult start Lxde as default wm.
So I downloaded all packages for Lxde via appbrowser and put them onto a Ubuntu pc - where I am going to rebuild TCL. Then I extracted the iso image as described in the wiki to remaster TCL.
But now I don't know how to get forward. Which steps do I have to perform? How to get Lxde into TCL and get it work on startup?? I read the article http://wiki.tinycorelinux.com/Integrating+Extensions in the wiki but don't get on. I don't want to integrate or activate some persistence things.So my question: could somebody give me a step-by-step list or something like this, so that I can get forward??
EDIT: I replaced Xfce4 with Lxde, because I think, that the Lxde is more leightweight!