Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

Possible remnant


I believe I have spotted a remnant from DSL in the TC base:  /opt/bin/readme.txt.  It's only 4k, but it contains some info that is not accurate for TC,  Thanks for all the hard work and continued improvements to this great distro by all.


--- Code: ---tc@Apollo:~$ cat /opt/bin/readme.txt
/opt/bin is in the default PATH.
Use 'ln -s' command to link your /opt {loaded|mounted} extensions binary to /opt/bin. This allows command line invocation. Example:

ln -s /opt/zile/bin/zile /opt/bin/.

Now from the command prompt zile can be executed.
tc@Apollo:~$ echo $PATH

--- End code ---

/opt/bin does not appear to be in my PATH.

Hmmm... and we don't even -have- a zile extension yet.

(I've been using zile as snarfed from the DSL extension but just loading the binary from a usb key... been meaning to make zile.tce out of it for months now but not getting a round tuit.)

Thanks for the report.


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