Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Overlay initrd files using cat
To clarify, zsync works with any kinds of files, but for tcz ones there's already automation.
I had no problem converting Xlibs Xvesa and Xprogs from gz to tcz files, and loading them from /tce/optional using onboot.lst instead of /tce. I don't quite get in what way Xlibs and Xvesa are release dependant, but I see how Xprogs is (it has Fluff, for instance).
One thing I noticed while poking through microcore.gz is that a fair part of it relates to getting networking up (drivers for various network adapters, for instance). Would there be an issue with seperating out the network drivers into a tcz, and modprobing what's needed later?
Networking has to be included at least in one way or another, because internet connectivity is important for any other app you want to load with the appbrowser.
IIRC to use NFS tce dirs you need a working LAN before loading your extensions. I'm not sure if this is solvable by using the /opt/tce dir for these extensions.
--- Quote from: hiro on January 24, 2011, 07:14:54 AM ---Networking has to be included at least in one way or another, because internet connectivity is important for any other app you want to load with the appbrowser.
IIRC to use NFS tce dirs you need a working LAN before loading your extensions. I'm not sure if this is solvable by using the /opt/tce dir for these extensions.
--- End quote ---
IMHO debatable if modular NIC support should be included in base, while at the same time the firmware (for all those NICs which require such) is missing.
Loading firmware for NIC and/or loading wireless modules and wireless tools - optionally as onboot - in /opt/tce with an additional cpio archive works fine at current.
Well, you have to draw a line if you don't want to include *all* these fancy networking devices, right?
If I wanted to strip the base down I wouldn't start with NIC support, because current way just works so great. Put in your cd and cable, download your wireless extensions and get going...
In this regard base is very much base already, there's not much left to throw out besides X (at least measured in bytes).
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