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Overlay initrd files using cat

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I just saw that ahci is not a module. I have to use it with my SATA controller.


--- Quote from: hiro on January 20, 2011, 06:58:28 AM ---Why not just try it? I'll see if I have the time later today.

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Personally I would not have any reason to try, because whatever the differences in boot time possibly could be could never outweigh the priority of the criterium of memory usage.
Now if it is just for the hell of benchmarking per se, have fun   ;)


--- Quote from: hiro on January 20, 2011, 07:08:30 AM ---I just saw that ahci is not a module. I have to use it with my SATA controller.

--- End quote ---

Phew, that would explain why it did not ring a bell here   ;D

Tinypoodle is right. .gz will consume more memory than loop mounted .tcz.

Some thoughts:
Instead of using .gz files to update mc to tc, they should be made into tcz extensions. ( Poodles suggestion )
The .gz loads before .tgz issue could be resolved with an xincludes.lst similar to onboot.lst if necessary.

This optimizes for memory at the expense of the flexibility of including the .gz files in the initrd definition in the boot loader.
Is this a concern? Do we need X loaded with the kernel?  I don't think so.  Tc-config should be able to handle loading X.

But you yourself said earlier:

--- Quote from: gerald_clark on January 19, 2011, 12:30:53 PM ---Since wbar is a part of TC core, it needs to NOT be an onboot extension.

--- End quote ---

With that logic: Since Xorg is a part of TC core, it needs to NOT be an onboot extension.

And well, roberts seems to have some other reasons I guess.

I would like to hear any reason why e.g. X is release sensitive. What do you even mean with "release sensitive"?


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