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Overlay initrd files using cat

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I don't see why this should be faster? Faster in which way?

I wouldn't know, I am asking. Would loading a series of gz at boot be faster than loading those extensions a bit later as onboot loop mounts?

You're of course free to try it, but I don't expect any great outcome.

I really like the ideas and would love to see this...

But one thing leaves me troubled. The more I think about this whole difference in relationship "Xvesa/Xorg gz/tcz Xprogs/included Xlibs/tc base" I don't find it very clear. Of course mc/tc should be a toolkit but what about simplicity here? A lucid simple solution for everyone to understand would be:

mc + Xvesa(.gz|.tcz) + wm/wbar stuff = Tinycore desktop variant 1
mc + Xorg(.gz|.tcz) + wm/wbar stuff = Tinycore desktop variant 2

Right now it would be something like (if I'm correct):

mc + Xvesa.gz, Xlibs.gz, Xprogs.gz in ../tce + maybe Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz in ../tce/optional + wm/wbar stuff = Tinycore desktop variant 1
mc + Xlibs.gz in ../tce + Xorg-7.5.tcz, Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz, ... in ../tce/optional + wm/wbar stuff = Tinycore desktop variant 2

IMHO that's too complicated.

I'm not saying that I can provide a better solution here, but graphical user interface "bases" like "minimal Xorg with libs and progs" or "Xvesa with libs and progs" could be each offered in a single file instead of ripping it apart since they are mutually exclusive when it comes to running. Of course that would mean redundancies and maybe bigger files (redundant libs etc.), but it would also produce benefits by avoiding problems (like forum entries: "libX... not found, what should I do?"). I'm guessing Xvesa.gz would be about 3-4 MB including Xprogs.gz and Xlibs.gz, Xorg.gz would be about 8-10 MB (only vesa driver, sw renderer, but also Xlibs.gz included, etc.). Xvesa.gz is not extendable either way, Xorg.gz would be extendable through repo.

What's the minimum set of files to get tce-load up and working?  Everything else can go in a tcz.

(ahem) it seems to me.


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