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Overlay initrd files using cat

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--- Quote from: gerald_clark on January 09, 2011, 07:15:04 PM ---Tiny Core / Micro Core CD can simply be a boot option.

A nogz boot option could suppress loading of the included gz files from the CD.
Then you could include a boot menu on the CD that allows you choose TC or MC.

--- End quote ---

The concatenation of the gz files needs to have been done prior to boot (unless the bootloader has some way of concatenating or of passing in multiple initrd which the kernel would concatenate).  Or are you thinking something different like changing MC init scripts to load the extra gz files?

What would the need or advantage of concatenating be - versus just passing multiple cpio archives to the kernel by the bootloader?

If the bootloader can pass multiple cpio archives, that is better, I think.  Does that functionality exist?  A quick search didn't give me the answer.  I only found this link which made me think the functionality is not prevalent in bootloaders: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/393569.

Once the archives are concatenated, the kernel can handle it fine--that's all I know.


--- Quote from: btheado on January 09, 2011, 10:11:22 PM ---If the bootloader can pass multiple cpio archives, that is better, I think.  Does that functionality exist?

--- End quote ---

Yes. Not entirely sure if supported by every bootlader.

For example with sylinux family bootladers:

--- Code: ---initrd=tinycore.gz,my_initramfs1.gz,my_initramfs2.gz

--- End code ---

Works fine for me with linld as well, despite not having seen it documented anywhere.

Edit: Content of your link appears to refer exclusively to Qemu, so the issue might be rather about emulation than about real life circumstances.

It has nothing to do with the boot loader.
The TC/MC init scripts load any .gz files found in the tce directory.



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