yesterday, I was re-installing antiX in parallel to TCL 3.4.1 on my poor man pc (I am experimenting).
Then, the recognized boot place of TCL changed from hdb2 to hbd1 (on the hda is antiX). Dont ask why - before, I had only hdb2 and hdb3 and swap-hdb4 on that HDD since i deleted swap from hdb1-.. I should probably have used the UUID boot option.
By tring to boot into TCL, all extensions "on-boot" were "gone" or in other words the booting indicated errors during extension loading.
So, I tried to delete the on-boot extensions (mark them... reboot etc.), for re-loading them in the hope they would be again present.
But I had still issues. They disappear from the on-boot menu.. in extension-apps..
So, after spending 1hour (I have a mathusalem pc), I decided to erase all extensions. This was not so easy: CUPS was reluctant to be deleted and accepted to be deleted like "last man standing".
After all "on-boot" and "on-demand"were deleted, I loaded again the extensions wanted. This was quick.
TCL is running now.
Question: is there any possibility to delete ALL extensions in a very quick way? rm /home/tce/*.* ?
It would be great to know it. For the next time.. when extensions get corrupted with newcomers playing with GPARTED on HDDs.