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On year 1999 hardware, would a 1996 distro be faster than TC?
Agreeing with curaga in principle, but if using old software then I would rather try basiclinux which is based on and compatible with slackware 4.0 and designed specifically for old PCs - as opposed to a red hat version from 1996...
Also, basiclinux can run either from a loop file or in a ramdisk.
Regarding opera, I would prefer 6.0 over 5, difference in resource use not being that big, but opera 6.0 amongst other has netscape plugin compatibility. flashplayer 9 would actually work with certain sites ;)
--- Quote from: ACRizona on December 14, 2010, 08:44:25 PM ---"Decent hacker" ???
If you're a decent bank-robber, I doubt it would matter. ;)
--- End quote ---
Replace decent with reasonably capable. :)
Regarding benchmarks, I tried peacekeeper on TC and other linuxes and o/s's on my modern hardware, and got results that varied too much with each run on the same configuration. Here are some results:
Windows 2k sp4 dx9 installed, firefox 3.6.12 800mb: 1017, 796, 684, 1063
ubuntu 10.10, firefox, liveCD 800mb: 761, 587
Pcbsd 8.1 64bit installed, firefox 3.6.4 raw 400mb: 599, 585
TC 3.3, opera 10.10 800mb: 436, 417, 419, 564, 455, 389
ubuntu 10.10, opera 10.10, liveCD 800mb: 453, 453, 384, 459, 469, 432
Pcbsd 7.1.1 64bit inst, firefox 3.5 raw 400mb: 478, 374, 488, 535, 550
vectorlinux, opera 10.11 400mb: 294, 338, 335, 310, 310, 285
VirtualBSD, firefox 3.0.5 400mb: 194, 264, 238, 210, 203
This is inside VM's on a windows XP host.
Something must be wrong with this benchmark, maybe it's not factoring out tcp/ip transfer delays and bandwidths. Any other benchmark?
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