General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Touchpad Scroll works?

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Mike Lockmoore reported it worked with a EeePC, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on mine (EeePC 701) with XVesa :(

Well... it's not SO important but it helps in various applications that I use on my day. But I really DO NOT want to go to a full Xorg only because of that...

I always searched for the simpler and faster system - TC does that.

I only do some questions to know where I can go with TC and my machine.

u can always try gpm & imwheel, although this would require some compiling (extensions: compiletc, ncurses, Xorg-7.5-dev). Trying to get my marble mouse working with xvesa myself, I did get the extra buttons working tho :)

google: gpm imwheel touchpad

Please see  This works well with an eeePC 1000 and TC 3.x.


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