cre84j : I totally agree, installation of the 'firmware.tcz' extension before running
sudo ifconfig eth0 up should fix things for you (as it contains the '/usr/local/lib/firmware/e100/d101s_ucode.bin' file).
To install an extension on a system where the NIC is not yet working would require a
direct download via another system. As there was a similar problem recently I'd suggest you carefully read the following
thread as it should contain the steps you'll might want to use.
As I assume that you'll use your Ubuntu system (instead of a XP one as was done in the other thread) you have the option to extract the one (tiny) file that you need out of the extension instead of having to use the much larger extension. In that case the file could be made persistent by inclusion in the backup, instead of installation of the 'firmware.tcz' extension at boot time.
If you'd like to try it out I'd suggest the following steps (on the Ubuntu system):
mkdir tmp_extr
sudo mount firmware.tcz tmp_extr -o loop
cp -p tmp_extr/usr/local/lib/firmware/e100/d101s_ucode.bin .
sudo umount tmp_extr
rm -r tmp_extr
You would then need to transfer this single file to the target system (e.g. via your USB pendrive). And use
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/firmware/e100/
sudo cp -p d101s_ucode.bin /usr/local/lib/firmware/e100
to integrate it (temporarily) in the file system. After that the
sudo ifconfig eth0 up should succeed and allow you to use the NIC.
If you want to make the change more permanent by inclusion in the backup you'll need to add it to the "white-list" (e.g. via
echo usr/local/lib/firmware/e100/d101s_ucode.bin >> /opt/.filetool.lst). It's probably best to ensure that a successful backup (e.g. via -b) is done afterwards.
Again, all this should be seen as an alternative to the more "standard" way of including the 'firmware.tcz' in your on-boot selection. It's just from my POV a bit of an "imbalance" to require a 2.8 MBytes extension when one just needs a 539 bytes file.