Tiny Core Base > TCB Bugs

/tce on read-only media


I noticed that when the /tce directory is on my CD, I cannot download or install extensions. Is it possible for the app installer (and thus tce-load) to test for a read-only filesystem and use /tmp/tce as a fallback?

I think you can have the download path automatically set by changing /opt/.tce_dir
Be aware, though, that this file is auto-generated during boot if you have a tce directory, so you'd need to change the file each session..."echo /path/to/new/tce/directory > /opt/.tce_dir" in bootlocal.sh should work.

Thanks. That's the solution I needed. I never noticed the .tce_dir file. A much simpler solution than modifying the appbrowser behavior. It works well because it's when I remaster that I place extensions on the CD, so I can just update that file when all the extensions finish loading.

Another thought, rather than creating the file from bootlocal on every boot.  Since that would require the use of backup anyway, you could include a new .tce_dir file in the backup.


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