Raspberry Pi port, piCore-15.0 is available!
#!/bin/sh# To fetch and build an Acrobat Reader extension. It is far# preferable to change the "$SRCDIR" variable to a mounted storage# device as this will take gobs of RAM.# Taken from the Arch Linux pkgbuild.if [ "$USER" == "root" ]; then echo "Do not need to run as root. Exiting.." exit 1fiif [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/glibc_gconv ]; then echo "Install glibc_gconv.tcz before proceeding." exit 1fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/gtk2 ]; then echo "Install gtk2.tcz before proceeding." exit 1fiif [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/libcups ]; then echo "Install libcups.tcz before proceeding." exit 1fiif [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/squashfs-tools-4.x ]; then echo "Install squashfs-tools-4.x.tcz before proceeding." exit 1fiNAME=acroreadVERSION=8.1.6DOWNLOAD=ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/8.x/"$VERSION"/enu/SOURCE=AdobeReader_enu-"$VERSION"-1.i486.tar.bz2MD5SUM=e6bad42cdcb93860b6ecb31b0e49169e SRCDIR=/mnt/sda1/acroread123TMPDIR="$SRCDIR"/"$NAME"21654PKG="$TMPDIR"/pkgTCEDIR="`cat /opt/.tce_dir`/optional"if [ ! -d "$PKG" ]; then sudo mkdir -p "$PKG" sudo chown -R tc:staff "$SRCDIR"ficd "$SRCDIR"if [ -e "$SOURCE" ]; then if [ $(md5sum "$SOURCE" | cut -c1-32) != "$MD5SUM" ]; then sudo rm -r "$SOURCE" fifiif [ ! -e "$SOURCE" ]; then wget -c "$DOWNLOAD"/"$SOURCE"fiif [ $(md5sum "$SOURCE" | cut -c1-32) = "$MD5SUM" ]; then echo "md5sum passed."else echo "Download failed. aborting" exit 1;fitar xjvf "$SOURCE" cd "$SRCDIR"/AdobeReader tar -xf COMMON.TAR tar -xf ILINXR.TAR cd Adobe/Reader8 mkdir -p "$PKG"/usr/local/lib/Acroread cp -a * "$PKG"/usr/local/lib/Acroread mkdir -p "$PKG"/usr/local/bin ln -s /usr/local/lib/Acroread/bin/acroread "$PKG"/usr/local/bin/acroread echo "Installing Broswer Plugin..." mkdir -p "$PKG"/usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins ln -s /usr/local/lib/Acroread/Browser/intellinux/nppdf.so "$PKG"/usr/local/lib/mozilla/plugins/nppdf.so echo "Installing Icon Resource..." install -D -m644 Resource/Support/AdobeReader.desktop \ "$PKG"/usr/local/share/applications/acroread.desktop sed -i 's|AdobeReader8.png|Acroread|' \ "$PKG"/usr/local/share/applications/acroread.desktop install -D -m644 Resource/Icons/64x64/AdobeReader8.png \ "$PKG"/usr/local/share/pixmaps/AdobeReader8.png echo "Installing License..." install -D -m644 Reader/Legal/en_US/License.txt \ "$PKG"/usr/local/share/licenses/acroread/License.txt cd "$TMPDIR" sudo mksquashfs pkg/ "$TCEDIR"/"$NAME"-"$VERSION".tcz -noappend sudo rm -rf "$TMPDIR" cd .. sudo rm -rf "$SRCDIR"/AdobeReader echo ""$NAME"-"$VERSION".tcz is now in "$TCEDIR" ready to be installed."
NAME=acroreadVERSION=8.1.6DOWNLOAD=ftp://ftp.adobe.com/pub/adobe/reader/unix/8.x/"$VERSION"/enu/SOURCE=AdobeReader_enu-"$VERSION"-1.i486.tar.bz2MD5SUM=e6bad42cdcb93860b6ecb31b0e49169e SRCDIR=/mnt/sda1/acroread123TMPDIR="$SRCDIR"/"$NAME"21654PKG="$TMPDIR"/pkgTCEDIR="`cat /opt/.tce_dir`/optional"