I certainly have no expertise to compare to your other two replies but just for what it's worth:
I notice on looking closely at the image that it's a bit ambiguous regarding transparency: there is no actual transparency represented, but rather what's known as "pseudotransparency", and only as the background for your terminal (aterm?). As the terminal overlaps your browser, the browser cannot be seen, which is what would happen with true transparency. Instead, your terminal misdraws its pseudotransparent background, which is supposed to be the desktop itself. And on the desktop, your wbar is equally misrendered. So it looks like wbar misdraws the mini screen grab that it uses underneath itself, and then this bad grab is passed in turn to the terminal.
A friend of mine with wbar on her desktop on another distro (Ubuntu, I think) had a problem that looked just like yours. Her workaround was to prevent wbar from starting when X starts, and then manually activating it from a terminal window. Something about having wbar load too soon before Xorg is completely launched was screwing it up.
You wrote:
...have right-clicked to reset wbar...
Strangely enough, on some systems you have to kill wbar, wait, and then restart it to get it to show changes or fix problems. I don't know why right-clicking isn't enough. You actually have to kill it dead. Which is basically what happens when you kill Xorg, right? But if startx restarts very quickly and calls wbar at the wrong moment, all you have done is reiterate the error, so it draws badly all over again.
So in the interest of eliminating possibilities, if you haven't already done so, you may try killing wbar instead of just right-clicking. If this hypothesis is right, Firefox may inadvertently help the issue by using up memory. By "went on Firefox for a while" I assume you meant surfing. Having a large app like the browser open would eat RAM, which would change the dynamic of starting the graphical desktop (i.e. slow everything down a little).
Just a thought.