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Author Topic: Micro Core v3.1  (Read 7449 times)

Offline roberts

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Micro Core v3.1
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:19:28 PM »
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Micro Core 3.1 is now available.

* Updated busybox to 1.17.1
* New multivt boot code for multiple virtual terminals.                                                     
* New 'calc' a tiny awk command line expression calculator                                                 
* Updated 'ab' - Added 'P)rovides' to ab, the command line tiny appbrowser.                                 
* Updated tce-load with new getopts option of  -l for load-only, typically -wil = Download + Load Only     
* Updated tce-load  -i 'install' option now works as copyinstall,  does not allow overwrites.                   
* Updated tce-load - Added -s option -load to suppress OK when using command line tce-load -is             
* Updated tce-load - 'showapps' cleanup via the tce-load -s flag                                           
* Updated tc-config - 'showapps' cleanup via the tce-load -s flag                                           
* Updated tc-config to call /opt/bootsync.sh, which in turn calls previous /opt/bootlocal.sh &             
* Updated filetool.lst adding /opt/bootsync.sh                                                             
* Updated filetool.sh for safebackup and new getopts, -b for backup, -p for prompt, -r restore, and -s safebackup
* Updated rc.shutdown - updated processing audit_marked.lst for extension removals.                             
* Added length check of 8 to 56 characters to getpasswd function.                                               
* Updated /etc/passwd user nobody for missing "home" field.                                                     
* Updated /etc/shadow user root to remove default password.                                                     
* Removed unused libncurses and tset - available in recently posted ncurses.tcz                                 

Files likely in your backup that need to be updated:                                                                               
/opt/.filetool.lst  -> Need to add new /opt/bootsync.sh                                                                             
Note: Updated                                                                                                                       
flwm.gz and other supported Window Managers
See: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=7238.0 for details regarding X windows/GUI updates.                             
10+ Years Contributing to Linux Open Source Projects.