Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Seems that you are changing your issues?
I have setup your environment on a test machine.
What where is there a failure?
Re: Your vlc, i.e., switching from onboot to ondemand, selecting Maintenance will refresh both sides of the pick lists for either OnBoot or OnDemand.
I will automate such before 3.2 is final.
altho vlc initially did not show up on left hand pane after being clicked to remove it, a follow up test on dkpg-deb was good the first time so maybe vlc had too many dependencies for the list to cope with?
I will try to set up a new test with a big one like lxde which should have lots of depends.
2) I have still not be able to crash my apps list as initially reported so forget that one pls.
and agreed ....as reported that swapping between onboot to ondemand list or vice versa....refreshes the list if the right hand file was missing from the left hand list
ok my testing for my "fussy" purposes was completed earlier than expected.
target LXDE2 ...installed to ....onboot
reboot shows it loads ok
choose apps audit....click on RH pane and Unselect it from onboot.....initially it does not appear for me in LH list but by clicking into ondemand and back to onboot....lists refresh themselves.....in the left hand pane list.
I suspect its a issue for large dependency type applications?
Anyhows I can not duplicate my original crash so this is information only
Did you click 'Exit OnBoot' before clicking on 'OnDemand'.
What happens if you click 'Exit OnDemand' and then re-click 'OnDemand'?
I have also noticed that items don't always move smoothly between OnDemand and OnBoot,
and visa versa. Switching out and back in to the tab usually clears it up.
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