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Author Topic: intel gm855 - wont display console (black screen)  (Read 2029 times)

Offline fmayhewubh

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intel gm855 - wont display console (black screen)
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:38:06 PM »
Okay, when i Ctrl+alt+backspace or exit to prompt i am greeted w/a black screen. It can still function as console. i can enter commands with no problem, and achieve X again but i cant read any console lines. it seems to happen after installing.

on top of that now I get a black box in a green/red/etc box when X starts. all i did was remove Xorg-7.6-lib (thought it was conflicting w/xorg7.5-lib) replaced it w/ Xorg-7.5-lib (didn't get installed :/ in the first place ) and than replace  Xorg-7.6-lib when wait for X started failing. I know i will need to boot to the core to fix this but after that point im stuck. how does one remove a package (Xorg-7.5-lib) other than just removing the tcz(or is that the proper way?)

Offline Rich

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Re: intel gm855 - wont display console (black screen)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 01:48:29 PM »
Hi fmayhewubh
Xorg-7.6-lib.tcz is a dependency of many packages including Xorg-7.5. Xorg-7.5-lib.tcz is not a dependency
of Xorg-7.5. To remove a package, use the Apps utility, the icon is at the bottom of the screen.

Offline fmayhewubh

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Re: intel gm855 - wont display console (black screen)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 01:52:36 PM »
crisis 2 averted, removed xorg-7.5-libs and i got my screen back. still cant get a pure console v.v