"It is against standard to create any arbitrary files or directorys on top level of the root file system."
ahh, i understand now. in the root directory it's a no-no. i'm so use to microsoft windows where it's pretty much a yes-yes. is this just a tinycore trait, or is this a linux trait (i'm pretty sure i've done this in ubuntu)?
"Best to create your personal dirs or symlinks in /home/tc and dirs to serve as mountpoints for devices in /mnt"
very good. if i put this directory in /home/tc/reach/windows, this will be no problem.
"BTW, in /home/tc it will be saved in backup by default"
now that sounds TOO easy. are you saying i don't have to do this: control panel>backup/restore>backup, or edit some kind of configuration file?
what about the checkbox when exit-ing? that probably needs to be checked, doesn't it?