Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs



I find that I have to create a symlink from where the alsa configuration script expects bash to be to where it actually is or I get a bunch of complaints and failure.  It looks like the easiest way to correct this is to change the first line of the script.  If I have a chance I will test and submit this, otherwise  if someone beats me to it thats great.

Forgive the lack of details,  I don't have it in front of me right now.

I think it might relate to an issue mentioned here:

The bash package would create a symlink to /bin/bash if startup scripts ran as Jason (and I) assumed, but prior to TC 1.2RC2 it only works if you auto-load bash.

Jason W:
Actually, the bash.tce package was flawed in that I left the name of the startup script to  bash-3.2 when the extension name was bash.tce.  That meant that when using tce-load even in the latest RC bash was not getting set up right.  But on boot it was since all scripts in /usr/local/tce.installed get executed on boot.   But tce-load expects the startup script to be of the same name as the extension, as it should be, so the bash extension was not getting set up right because of the startup script being named wrong. 

It has been fixed and reuploaded.  Sorry for the cost in time it has caused anyone.   

/bin/bash is created as a symlink to /usr/local/bin/bash by the startup script, and when that was borked bash was basically unavailable for use by scripts.  Please report back if redownloading the bash extension does not solve the issue. 

ALSA and bash work now but only tested the tce's. :)  I might catch on to this eventually.  I just need to write a few startup scripts.

Jason W:
I fixed the tce but the tcz may still be flawed.  I will fix if it needed tonight.


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