Hmmm I seemed to have got myself into a bit of a mess here.
The idea was to create a crunchbang/archbang desktop running on TC - well microcore actually as this seemed easier.
In the first attempt I decided just to test out the conky theme on an xfce desktop which was easy to setup on microcore. This worked well enough but with some jiggery-pokery to get the conky colors fonts installed and set up. [Btw any chance of a conkycolors extension?]
In the second attempt I set out to install openbox/tint2/nitrogen/conky and configure it crunchbang style. All seemed to go wellish except for the darn fonts in conky.
I've tried everything except sacrificing my pet goat to the great God of conkyites to get it to pick up on the installed fonts. These fonts are the fonts that come with conkycolors and some ms truetype fonts [georgia in particular]. I have symlinked the ttf fonts from /usr/local/share/fonts to where the fonts reside on the partition as well as symlinking the conkycolors fonts from /home/tc/.fonts/conkycolors to where they are on the partition. This is as it is on the one running with xfce and there it works. So I've fc-cache'd with every switch I can think of but no go. Of course I've added in the line usr/local/share/fonts to the .filetool.lst and anyway the fonts are appearing in Abiword.
I'm stumped - any ideas anybody?
I also looked for a lightweight compositer to slicken up openbox but alas I looked in vain [e.g. xcompmgr].
Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved....