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TinyCore Powered Race Car Goes 209.622mph
I thought you folks might like this video.
This race car is running an embedded HP thin client machine with TCE Linux and ECMLink (JAva based) for data acquisition.
Let me just say TC Linux is an exceptional OS. Performance is second to none. With a zero failure rate so far.
209.622mph TinyCore powered Race Car
Speedweek 2010 write-up
Well, the motto on top of mainpage does already state Fast doesn't it? ;D
--- Quote from: tinypoodle on September 05, 2010, 09:36:36 AM ---Well, the motto on top of mainpage does already state Fast doesn't it? ;D
--- End quote ---
Yes, Yes it does state fast. I just thought I'd show that TC is no lie. Let's call it an official confirmation. :P
Nestled in an extreme application, this shows TC is perfect for small embedded footprints. It goes where the standard computer just won't go. ;) One of these days I'll get some pictures posted up for everyone.
I should have posted sooner.
But the website is now up.
We had 2 events after Speedweek.
So in September at the World of Speed, the car went 213.19mph. 3mph from qualifiying for a Land Speed Record. Next year this car should go alot faster.
GO TINYCORE! What a rock solid solution for embedded systems. This is one of the fastest Linux distros I know of. :o
(video of the 213.19mph pass)
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