Tiny Core Base > TCB Talk


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--- Quote ---is the "&" supported? So the user can use alt+something?
--- End quote ---
Yes, it is.
I have just tried.

how have u tried?


--- Quote ---how have u tried?
--- End quote ---

--- Code: ---cat /proc/cmdline
--- End code ---
... lang=de_DE.UTF-8 ...

set locale to lang in

--- Quote ---sudo getlocale.sh
--- End quote ---
no reboot

go to https://translations.launchpad.net/tctools/trunk/+pots/tinycore/it/+translate
there is a link:
--- Quote ---Download translation
--- End quote ---
(that is your translation)

I have downloaded mine as .po
copied to /home/tc
and renamed as tinycore.po

get the extension gettext.tcz
make .mo file

--- Code: ---msgfmt tinycore.po -o - > /usr/local/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/tinycore.mo
--- End code ---

launch Apps and/or Panel

and look at your translations

to correct anything:
geany tinycore.po
save and

--- Code: ---msgfmt tinycore.po -o - > /usr/local/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/tinycore.mo
--- End code ---
relaunch Apps and/or Panel
loop until satisfied
then upload tinycore.po

donĀ“t forget to save your tinycore.mo

--- Code: ---echo "usr/local/share/locale/${LANG:0:2}/LC_MESSAGES/tinycore.mo" >> /opt/.filetool.lst

--- End code ---

hope that helps (if not, ask again, of course )

attached screenshot shows how it looks in my translation
(tested locally, uploaded, downloaded tested, changed and uploaded again)

Altough I've translated all the items I still see some windows still in english:

And what about the shell scripts? Like update apps for example?

Fixed wallpaper and swapfile. Appsaudit would need refactoring, I'll ping Robert on that.

Shell scripts won't get translations.


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