General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial
The Full Core and The Lite Core
The Full Core is a remaster of Tiny Core Linux with the focus on two things:
- providing an alternative base image containing NTFS support, so Tiny Core Linux or Micro Core Linux can be installed in a Windows system without repartitioning
- using GRUB4DOS instead of syslinux/isolinux and GRUB for booting so installation will become a bit less complicated and does not need internet access (keyboard mappings are also included to ease up installation).
The remaster is done automatically using a script that can be also downloaded and modified to fit other configurations. The Lite Core is one example configuration, removing support for Micro Core Linux and gPXE.
Available at
Please feel free to use this thread for discussion on "The Full Core" / "The Lite Core" related topics.
"The Full Core" was intended to be a more "turn key"-solution. That's why the NTFS-3G drivers are included: to break the chicken-egg problem. NTFS-3G was the only thing that I was really missing, so that's what got me going. Some friends of mine asked for a German keyboard layout, so that got included as well. I also wanted to set the proxy on startup, and GRUB4DOS for an installation that's easier than GRUB or SYS/ISOLINUX.
How about adding firmware, wireless, and what's also occasionally needed for bootstrapping Tiny Core Linux to "The Full Core"? You give me the list of packages, the core team tells me what sources to mirror to get those, and I update the build scripts.
Firmware has no source, and you're already mirroring the kernel. So I suppose it would just be wpa_supplicant and whatever else is added.
--- Quote from: SvOlli on May 09, 2011, 01:18:04 PM ---How about adding firmware, wireless, and what's also occasionally needed for bootstrapping Tiny Core Linux to "The Full Core"? You give me the list of packages, the core team tells me what sources to mirror to get those, and I update the build scripts.
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Package for cpu scaling? syslinux?
--- Quote from: vinnie on May 09, 2011, 05:47:10 PM ---Package for cpu scaling?
--- End quote ---
Please provide me with concrete package names. I'm a bit short on time, due to other projects to do research.
--- Quote from: vinnie on May 09, 2011, 05:47:10 PM ---syslinux?
--- End quote ---
As far as I can tell, GRUB4DOS is superior to SYSLINUX (and grub-0.97-splash) in almost every way. The only problem I could figure out was the non-existent ext4 support in the initial loader for GRUB4DOS, which will be overcome with the next release of the grub4dos.tcz.
So what I suggest we should go for two things here:
1) Support anything that's network, which is key, because everything else could be downloaded after startup.
2) A bit more extended harddisk support like cfdisk or lvm2, which are small, but add only a few kbytes (but not gparted which is would add ~10MB, and could still be downloaded online, see 1)
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