Tiny Core Base > Release Candidate Testing
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce Tiny Core 3.1 RC1 is now available for preview.
* New Size tab in Appbrowser - calls tce-size
* Updated Depends tab in Appbrowser to display dependency tree
* Updated /etc/passwd user nobody for missing "home" field.
* Updated /etc/shadow user root to remove default password.
* Added 'P)rovides' to ab command line tiny appbrowser.
* Updated appsaudit to eliminate duplicates in onboot and ondemand lists.
* New Wbar_eXclude to exclude icons from wbar available in SystemTools. Calls wbar_exclude GUI.
* Updated wbar_update to process xwbar.lst created via wbar_exclude.
* Added Appsaudit to system menu.
* Added -s option to tce-load to suppress OK when using command line tce-load -is
* Code cleanup to appbrowser.
* New background and flwm titlebar colors.
Files likely in your backup that have changed:
The above two only provides color change therefore not operationally required.
Thanks goes to ixbrian for his contribution of dependency tree and size. I have modified them slightly and incorporated them into appbrowser.
3.1rc1 looks great.. I have a couple of ideas for the appbrowser; can you please post the updated appbrowser 3.1rc1 source code?
Release Candidates are work in process, as such, sources are not posted. Sources are made public when work in completed and final release is posted.
Release Candidates binary snapshots are posted for the purpose of previewing and testing so that the work in process can be completed and a final release be accomplished at which time both sources and binaries are made public.
I would suggest that you state your idea or suggestion, or PM me to discuss further.
--- Quote from: roberts on August 17, 2010, 09:15:43 AM ---Release Candidates are work in process, as such, sources are not posted. Sources are made public when work in completed and final release is posted.
Release Candidates binary snapshots are posted for the purpose of previewing and testing so that the work in process can be completed and a final release be accomplished at which time both sources and binaries are made public.
I would suggest that you state your idea or suggestion, or PM me to discuss further.
--- End quote ---
Ok, on the size tab of appbrowser, it would be possible to differentiate extensions that need to be installed with a different color.
Attached is a proof of concept screenshot of what this might look like, and below is proof of concept code.
--- Code: ---# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid)
version 1.0109
header_name {.h}
code_name {.cxx}
decl {\#include <fstream>} {}
decl {\#include <string>} {}
decl {\#include <FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H>} {}
decl {using namespace std;} {}
Function {getsize()} {open
} {
code {string command = "/usr/bin/tce-size chromium-browser > /tmp/size_test";
int results = system(command.c_str());
if (results == 0)
ifstream sizeinfo("/tmp/size_test");
string t;
while (getline(sizeinfo,t)){
if (t.substr(0,1) == "+") { t = "@B17" + t; }
}} {selected
Function {} {open
} {
Fl_Window {} {open
xywh {440 20 505 500} type Double visible
} {
Fl_Browser size {
xywh {25 25 460 430} labelfont 13 textfont 8
Fl_Button {} {
label getsize
callback getsize
xywh {165 462 170 30}
--- End code ---
[attachment deleted by admin]
That is very nice! Let me send you what I currently have. But will need it returned asap, for I am implementing another phase of ondemand improvements for rc2.
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