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Yes, the error messages are more of an annoyance than anything else. As other users noted they fill the terminal window and keep you from seeing messages that are more important, but they don't appear to interfere with data processing. I'm running xvesa and don't have any screen saver extensions downloaded.
The BOINC extension appears to be working correctly, at least with the seti@home project.
I created a boinc directory under home/tc and executed the tce-load -i boinc command there, as well as the boinc-client command. The boincmgr directory should be run as needed in a separate terminal (set to the same directory the BOINC client is running in). I exclude the boinc directory from the regular TCL backup and copy the contents to directory /mnt/sda1/tce/mydownloads/boinc on shutdown and back to home/tc/boinc on boot. Actually using the regular TCL backup is probably OK for seti@home, but some other projects have huge data files that users might not want to mix with TCL. For users with hard drives using persistent home would get around these problems.
I suggest going ahead and putting the BOINC extension in the repository so it can get a more thorough test.
Hi thane
--- Quote ---I exclude the boinc directory from the regular TCL backup and copy the contents to directory /mnt/sda1/tce/mydownloads/boinc on shutdown and back to home/tc/boinc on boot.
--- End quote ---
Rather than copying the contents, you could:
--- Code: ---ln -s /mnt/sda1/tce/mydownloads/boinc home/tc/boinc
--- End code ---
on startup.
No need to even create on startup, the symlink will be saved in backup/persistent home.
The data files for BOINC projects are not part of the extension code but are downloaded from the web, processed, and returned to the project servers. They're stored under the same working directory that the BOINC client is running in (in my case home/tc/boinc). I'm booting off USB and running exclusively in RAM (no hard drive), so I have to somehow backup the modified files in the boinc directory. There's no doubt ways to distinguish these from the unmodified files but I just backup the whole directory. That's why I think a setup with a hard drive and persistent home would be a better environment, and why I suggest someone running that setup do further testing.
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