Thanks heaps, that got it.
But so I can learn, what does the FAQ mean when it says :
"How to use startup scripts?
The directory /usr/local/tce.installed is where TC keeps track of loaded extensions.
Typically this is a 'flag' a zero byte file. Notice that the extension name does not include its file extension.
Now, if you need a startup script then include it in tar file at this location and its name needs to match the extension name. Do make sure that the script works and is executeable. Do not use .sh or any other file extension.
A very simple example is in order:
Take for example the 915resolution.tce extension.
If we want to make a startup script then it would be placed in
The actual startup script could be anything that is executeable.
Using the same example, my /usr/local/tce.installed/915resolution is a simple as this:
/usr/local/sbin/915resolution 50 1024 600
Note: Be sure to use full paths as during boot no login has occured yet no PATHs are set.
So the final result of a 915resolution.tce with a startup script would contain
Is that for startup scripts during boot?