Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Q&A Forum
Retaining alsamixer settings between boots
Hi neonix
--- Quote from: neonix on February 07, 2025, 05:29:35 AM --- ... Other solution is to execute this script from (jwm) menulist manually. ...
--- End quote ---
That makes a lot more sense than having something like
this try to run automatically.
--- Quote --- ... The question is, can I put this solution in to the repo?
--- End quote ---
Have you tested it? Does it work?
Yes, it works.
Now I have alsamixer wbar icon, menulist for mixer set, and menulist entry for alsamixer. If I send it be email, would you put it in alsa.tcz or alsamixer-set.tcz?
Hi neonix
--- Quote from: neonix on February 09, 2025, 03:57:33 AM --- menulist for mixer set, ...
--- End quote ---
Change mixer set to mixer reset to make it a bit more
obvious it's going to reset to some default values, and
not offer the user to select some settings.
--- Quote --- ... If I send it be email, would you put it in alsa.tcz or alsamixer-set.tcz?
--- End quote ---
Create the following:
Then tar them up:
--- Code: ---tar -cf alsamixer-set.tar *.tcz*
gzip -9 alsamixer-set.tar
--- End code ---
Run bcrypt:
--- Code: ---bcrypt alsamixer-set.tar.gz
Encryption key: tinycore
--- End code ---
And send it to tcesubmit @ gmail … com
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