I understand what you are saying but I think something is broken.
wget worked yesterday except for simple issue raised in this thread that you have explained the behavior for but now it is not working at all.
My process:
reboot TC from cdrom
install wget.tcz using Appbrowser using default mirror i.e. don't select a mirror
close Appbrowser
start aTerm window
if I type type wget
wget:error while loading shared library libidn.so.11: .....
if I type type /usr/bin/wget
Busybox v1.17.0 .....
if I type type /usr/local/bin/wget
wget:error while loading shared library libidn.so.11: .....
So not wget from default repository not working
if I use the mirror I made overnight, everything works.
reboot TC from cdrom
start aTerm window
echo "" > /opt/tcemirror
install wget.tcz using Appbrowser using new default mirror
type in aTerm window wget
wget: missing url
type in aTerm wget --version
GNI wget 1.12 built on linux-gnu
So yesterday it couldn't find the new installed wget, today it can if I use my overnight local repository whether I open/close a new aterm window or not. Does not work at all if I use the default repository today (ibiblio?)