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Author Topic: script to automate building the remastered CPIO archive for diskless booting  (Read 2380 times)

Offline mrmd

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I have created a new script that will accept in command line arguments the names of the packages, e.g. ./script openssh mc
and will gather all the required packages and dependencies and create a remaster cpio archive that can be used in diskless booting.

I have successfully booted clients with the remastered CPIO via the TFTP PXE approach with this boot menu entry:

label   tinylinux
MENU LABEL Tiny Core 6.0
kernel vmlinuz
append initrd=core.gz,remaster.gz

as well as from internet web servers, using this IPXE script.

set boot-url http://my_web_site
kernel ${boot-url}/vmlinuz showapps vga=791
initrd ${boot-url}/core.gz
initrd ${boot-url}/remaster.gz
boot || goto failed

My script is located at


and feel free to send me any comments.
