Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks
Step-by-step instructions how to add or remove wbar entries (tcl-3.3)
Apps which are not OnDemand use the built-in app icon - you can't selectively change the icon for these.
Perhaps it would be best to make wrapper scripts for each case for your particular app and drop these in tce/ondemand as described in the first post. I do exactly that for rox filer - I have two icons in wbar, one for normal use and a red one for sudo.
And if I want to create an extension including two icons? I don't think I can squash the ondemand dir, is there no alternative?
Does this still work for TC4.x?
Try as I might I cannot get it to work:
- script and icon with matching names in /tce/ondemand
- script appears in rightclick/ondemand menu and works as advertised
- icon does not show in wbar
any ideas?
It works for me running TinyCore 4.1
What does this command give you?
--- Quote ---ls `cat /opt/.tce_dir`/ondemand
--- End quote ---
Here is what it looks like on my system:
--- Quote ---asunder calc.img homebank notify-python-2.7 tango-icon-theme wine
asunder.img compiletc inkscape-tutorials obconf wesnoth xarchiver
boost geany intltool scons wesnoth.img xarchiver.img
calc geany.img libglade squashfs-tools-4.x wget
--- End quote ---
"calc" and "calc.img" are the custom items that I've created. Also "wesnoth.img" is a image that was placed by me instead of TC.
Same problem than Raschid : no icon in wbar.
An idea ?
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