Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs

(fixed) full inkscape tcz* (with gtkmm) refused to run without "libgomp"


i noticed in the info file you need gtkmm.tcel if you are using the full inkscape tgz*

even with that, inkscape will not run and says it wants "libgomp" which i could not find in the apps browser search. if it's included in some devs tce/tcz it's not in any of the .info's.

Sounds like a packaging mistake, perhaps.
libgomp is in the compiletc package, although compiletc definitely shouldn't be a dependency.

I've had this happen to me once or twice - possible solutions (when compiling) would be to disable the dependency with a ./configure "--" switch or move/delete the relevant header/pc files when compiling.

Once the dependency has been created, about the only option would be to copy the libs out of compiletc.

Ahh, seems I missed that. Thanks for noticing. Should be fixed now.

it is, thank you. i love that it can just be unmounted, deleted, downloaded, and loaded local. tc's package management is so cool.

and it's worth doubling the size of tc for the palette and the paint fill of all objects (not just lines and geometric shapes) ... other than that, the lite version is really great. this is one of the coolest extensions for tc, i'm glad kompozer is there, too.


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