Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
HOWTO: transmission with web - no GUI
Thanks curaga , how do I setup persistence? Is this the same as installing to hard drive?
--- Quote from: curaga on April 24, 2011, 02:36:02 AM ---Perhaps the instructions need an additional slash ("/optional" vs "optional") after that.
--- End quote ---
Does this mean the command should be
--- Code: ---cp * `cat /opt/.tce_dir`/optional/
--- End code ---
--- Quote from: curaga on April 24, 2011, 02:36:02 AM ---2. Attachments can only be seen when logged in.
--- End quote ---
Thanks, got that now. Should I just overwrite the existing settings.json file?
To pick a tce drive, just open appbrowser and click the "set" button. Your modified command is ok.
I can't answer the other questions, not a Transmission user myself.
I'm also not in a position to give advice on transmission-specific questions, but if you are still unsure about the 'echo STRING >> FILE' question let me spell out some generic *NIX knowledge:
* If using output redirection with '>>' the destination file will be created if it does not exist or otherwise the STRING will be added at the end of the file (so it's essentialy a "create or append" action).
* Compare this to the use of '>' which would overwrite an already existing file (so it's essentialy a "create or replace" action).
Hi ..I managed to install transmission on tcl hard drive with no problem, the USB (tinycore boot from usb flash) is tricky though. So here is my problem.
Transmission overwrite setting.json and stats.json on every boot, so my download is always start over...cant resume
and I cant change transmission setting via web w/o losing the saved setting upon rstart (unless i do backup )
Heres is my box
Linux box 4.2.9-tinycore
Transmission 2.83
settings.json and stats.json is root files and -rwxrwxrwx and its in ntfs-3g mounted drive
Is there any ideas/input for me ?
I'm noob so please be very detail on how to ;)
Transmission is a Linux app, most likely it doesn't like using a non-Linux filesystem for its files.
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