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ezremaster: Wizard that walks you step by step to remaster ISO of tinycore

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I am so newb. I got this to work ONCE. In a virtual machine. Ever since then "permission denied", no matter where I put it, or how i run it. Sometimes I'll even get something about unexpected ) syntax blah blah blah. WTF did I do to get this working that one time, and why can't i do it agian?


--- Quote from: TheRiddler on August 12, 2010, 08:09:19 PM ---I am so newb. I got this to work ONCE. In a virtual machine. Ever since then "permission denied", no matter where I put it, or how i run it. Sometimes I'll even get something about unexpected ) syntax blah blah blah. WTF did I do to get this working that one time, and why can't i do it agian?

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You should be able to download both of the executables (tc_remaster,, and then copy them somewhere in your PATH (example:  "sudo cp tc_remaster /usr/local/bin", "sudo cp /usr/local/bin") and then make both files executable ("sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tc_remaster", "sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/").    Then run "tc_remaster".  If this doesn't work, please post the exact error message you are seeing. 



--- Quote from: kalleanka on August 10, 2010, 07:59:44 AM ---ok i found it. Thanks.

ixbrian  could you add a sentence in the first post that one need to be loggedin to be abel to download the scripts.

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The first post mentions you need to be logged in to the forum to download the application. 

--- Quote from: kalleanka on August 10, 2010, 07:59:44 AM ---
I tried it and its realy good. I hade problem with running it since i rebooted and they did not get saved in /usr/local/bin where i put them. Then i tryed to run it dirctly from my hard disk ./mnt/hda3.downloads/tc_remaster and i got a lot of security errors. So after chmod and chown it ran but now the script could not find So i made a script that copies the scripts to /usr/local/bin and then ran tc_remaster. Then it worked. I also misspellt the path to the iso so here it would be nice with a filechooser.  

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Do you use the Tiny Core backup/restore functionality?   If so, you just need to list the files "usr/local/bin/tc_remaster" and "usr/local/bin/" in the "/opt/.filetool.lst" file and these files will then automatically be backed up and restored and shutdown/startup. 

--- Quote from: kalleanka on August 10, 2010, 07:59:44 AM ---
The two youtube videos are great and educational but the second one got interupte in the end when you where going to show the usage of tc_remaster.cfg. Could you upload it again if you have the full version?

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I had problems with the youtube video because it was over 10 minutes and youtube doesn't allow videos over 10 minutes.   I tried to split the video in to 2 parts, but you are right the second video got cut off near the end.   I didn't really say anything important after the cutoff point however, so I left it as is. 

--- Quote from: kalleanka on August 10, 2010, 07:59:44 AM ---Maybe the log could be echoed to prompt?

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That's a good idea. 

--- Quote from: kalleanka on August 10, 2010, 07:59:44 AM ---Another thing: is there a way to run the .cgf file in GUI (tc_remaster)?

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At this point, you can't load an existing cfg file in to the GUI.   But you can modify the cfg file manually and run the "" to rebuild your custom ISO.    For example, you can go through the wizard 1 time and configure everything exactly how you want it.    If you save this cfg file, when a new version of Tiny Core is released, you can simply edit the cfg file and update it with the path to the new version Tiny Core ISO, and then run "tc_remaster /path/to/tc_remaster.cfg rebuild"  and your custom ISO will be rebuilt with the newer version of Tiny Core. 

thanks ixbrian.

YAY thanks brian... my noggin was a hurtin'... but you came with the virtual pain reliever. Your script is MAGNIFIQUE!


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